Tuesday, September 30, 2008

#$%$)%!*#$v <--- Crazy:))

Hmm So for my English class I have to make one of these stupid things to post comments on my teachers blog thing. So i figured if im going to be wasting time of my life typing to her on here i might as well go ahead and be completly crazy by typing to myself. So anyways, Well im morgann and i know that. SO... why in the world am i reminding myself of things that i already know? Ughh, maybe this whole thing is really going to make me crazy? That might actually be pretty sweet cause i wouldnt have to be at this school doing this crazy POST A COMMENT ON MY BLOG BY BY DAY thing. Im kinda in love with the word crazy today..or maybe its just how im feeling? Who knows anymore. Im really starting to convince myself that this new school thing isnt such a bad idea. Its not really that bad, when you sit down and think about it. Other than the stupid girls, and ignorant guys. Although i know those kind of people are everywhere but at least i was use to them in Franklin. Why? I grew up with them thats why. Im trying to let people here get to know me though. I mean HEY.!! Im a cool cat to know:) <--- That was totally not even something i would actually say out loud, but anyways. -SIGHS- Im starting to make really e good friends here... People like Taylor Dalla (Shes freakishly A LOT like me.!!), And Paige Porter ( Shes Pretty Cool.), And other people but im too lazy to include them. Well anyways this was really unexciting and freakishly long? Now i feel really crazy, knowing i had this much to say to myself. But anyways, Bye Me:))

-A Biento.!!

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